Saturday, December 8, 2012

Welcome on the Edinburgh Project's blog!!

This blog aims at helping upper sixth formers prepare their school trip to Edinburgh. It will familiarize pupils with Edinburgh's environment and provide them with the cultural and linguistic material  needed for a successful experience.

Friday, December 7, 2012

Where is Edinburgh located?

Observe the map and locate the city of Edinburgh. Click here to find out more about Edinburgh!

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Useful Vocabulary

The following words of vocabulary will help you better understand the video which you will have to watch later. Train yourself with the help of these games:

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Learn more about Edinburgh Castle

A) Watch the video again, listen carefully (pause it as much as you want) and take notes to answer the following questions:

 1) What is the TV presenter's first stop?

 2) Why does the TV presenter say that the castle of Edinburgh has endured much?

3) What is the oldest surviving building inside the Edinburgh Castle?

4) When was the Great Hall completed?

5) What makes the TV presenter happy to live in the 21th century?

B) Go to the Visit Scoltand website and read the information about the castle:

 - What is available in addition to the guiged tours provided by the castle stewards?

 - Where can you buy exclusive lines of specially designed jewellery?

Monday, December 3, 2012

Book the accomodation you prefer

Click here to read about the different accomodation available in Edinburgh. Compare the different hotel offers. Choose the accomodation that suits you best (in terms of price, location etc...)

Record yourself (3 min) making a reservation (thanks to the audiodropbox below) for the hotel/ youth hostel you selected (precise how many people, how long you will stay, what type of room you want, whether you'll need breakfast etc...). Explain your choice.

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Where would you go?

If you had one day off to go wherever you like during your trip, what would you like to see?
Visit the following websites providing information about open spaces and parks, farmers market, attractions and museums, mystery tours and other free tours and create a personalised itinerary (places, events or activities ) and post it on this blog!! (also react to other posts if possible).

It will include at least one historical monument and one activity with educational value. Explain your choices.

Sunday, November 25, 2012

What do you hear?

Listen to the first three minutes of  this video and find the English translation to the following words, used by the TV presenter: "avoir lieu", "enchanteur/enchanteresse", "en l'espace de", "la cime", "contempler/observer" et enfin "rendre hommage à".

In order to do so, listen to the video several times and pay attention to the historical context.

Saturday, November 24, 2012

Share your personal view!

Has this blog helped you think about the possible difficulties you might have to face during your stay in Edinburgh ?

Click here to write your answer taking into account the information collected so far. Give priority to expressions of opinion seen in class such as "I think", "personally", "I believe", "in my point of view" etc..

Now create your own blog!!

This is your chance to be creative! Use the information you have collected so far to create your own blog! Pick the places you want to visit, the activities you want to do and where you want to stay. Express your opinion and do not hesitate to write posts and add comments to other posts. This is an interactive space where all the class can discuss what they would rather be doing. The activities selected by the class will eventually be used for our actual trip!!